Dr Anastasios Saratsis has studied Biology (University of Würzburg/Germany) and pursued his PhD as a Marie Curie early stage researcher fellow on the field of Veterinary Parasitology (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), in which he is active since 2008. His research focuses on the Epidemiology and sustainable management of parasitic diseases mainly in livestock animals. He has so far participated as a team member in 15 national, European (FP6 & FP7), Industry and Cost Action projects and he is an author/co-author of 15 research papers. Since October 2017 he is a Researcher (Veterinary Epidemiology) at the HAO -DEMETER (Hellenic Agricultural Organisation-Demeter) Veterinary Research Institute of Thessaloniki
tel: +30 2310 365391
email: saratsis@vri.gr