Veterinary Research Institute of Thessaloniki, established in 1997, is a research unit of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA (former NAGREF).The main purpose of the Institute is conduction of research aiming to the:
- Improvement of livestock production (productivity, farm management, sustainability)
- Sustainable development, characterization and use of local animal genetic resources
- Protection of public health
- Disease prevention and control in farm animals
- Improvement of reproductive performance (classical and biotechnological methods)
- Hygiene and technology of food of animal origin
- Development of livestock systems, environmental protection, animal welfare and production of quality products
- Hygiene, quality and food safety in particular animal origin
- Toxicology of animals and feed
In addition to their research activities the researchers:
- Provide scientific support to the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food
- Participate in international Networks, Fora and Working Groups
- Act as National Contact Points in European Scientific Committees
- Participate in National Committees ((Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development, National Drug Organization, etc.)
- Provide support and services to farmers or/and their associations
- Organize or/and participate in training programs/seminars for students, scientists and farmers