2010 |
Introducing the Mediterranean Poultry Network of WPSA
S.Yalcin, E.Sossidou (2010) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 66, Supplement, ISSN:0043-9339: 202
2010 |
Organic broilers’ preferences for different features of habitat in the outdoor areas
E. N. Sossidou, P. Fortomaris, D. Kipourou, H. A. Elson and A. Tserveni-Goussi (2010) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 66, Supplement, ISSN:0043-9339: 909
2009 |
Farm animal welfare legal requirements and traditional practices:a case study of WELANIMAL partner countries
Zehra Bozkurt, Evangelia Sossidou, L.T. Cziszter, Marya Peneva, Sz. Konrád, J. Veglovský, E. Szücs, (2009) Lucrări Ştiintifice Zootehnie Şi Biotehnologii, Volume 42 (2): 516-531
2009 |
Farm animal welfare economics
L.T. Cziszter, S. Acatincăi, I. G. Stanciu, Evangelia Sossidou, Marya Peneva (2009) Lucrări Ştiintifice Zootehnie Şi Biotehnologii, Volume 42 (2): 547-554
2009 |
Assuring Quality in Farm Animal Welfare Curricula:The case of WELFOOD curricula
Evangelia Sossidou, D. Stamatis, E. Szücs, R. Geers (2009) Lucrări Ştiintifice Zootehnie Şi Biotehnologii, Volume 42 (2): 595-603
2009 |
Survey on Romanian consumers’ willingness-to-pay for animal products obtained in animal welfare conditions
Cziszter L.T., Zehra Bozkurt, Eva N. Sossidou, E. Szücs, Mariya Peneva, J. Venglovsky, Sz. Konrád, Katalin Gaál, S. Acantincăi (2009) Lucrări Ştiintifice Scientific Papers, ZOOTECNIE ANIMAL SCIENCE, The 38th International Session of Scientific Communications of the Faculty of Animal Science, Bucharest, Romania, Seria D, Volume LII : 246-251
2009 |
Stewardship, Stockmanship and Sustainability in Animal Agriculture
E. Szűcs, R. Geers and E. N. Sossidou (2009) Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 22(9):1334-1340
2009 |
Hens’ Welfare to Egg Quality
E. N. Sossidou and H. A. Elson (2009) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 65, December 2009, number 4: 709-718
2008 |
Free-range laying hens’ preferences for two cultivated aromatic plants when offered in their pasture area
M. Kosmidou, E. Sossidou, P. Fortomaris, A. Yannakopoulos, A. Tserveni-Goussi (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:24-25 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki 2008, p.220-224
2008 |
Small-scale family production in less favored mountain areas of Greece
E. N. Sossidou, P. D. Fortomaris, P. Dimovelis, A. L. Yannakopoulos, A. S. Tserveni-Goussi (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:142-143 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki 2008, p.1077-1080
2008 |
Antioxidant effect of two cultivated aromatic plants in egg yolk of free-range hens
M. Kosmidou, P. Fortomaris, E. Sossidou, G. Samouris, A. Tserveni-Goussi (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:80 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki 2008, p.606-609
2008 |
Consumers’ attitudes to some characteristics of omega-3 eggs
E. Sossidou, A. Yannakopoulos, A. Tserveni-Goussi, P. Fortomaris, Ch. Traikoudis, E. Tsimbou, S. Chalvatzi (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:69-70 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki: 531-535
2008 |
Developmental research on farm animal welfare in EU countries
Sossidou, N. E. (2008) In: Book of Proceedings, XXXII ÓVÁRI TUDOMÁNYOS NAP Conference, Mosonmagyaróvár, October 9, ISBN 978-963-9883-05-5
2008 |
Research activities of WPSA European Working Group 9 on poultry welfare and management
H. A. Elson, E. N. Sossidou (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:66 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki : 525-528
2008 |
Socio-economic approach of ICT supported studies on animal welfare, environmental protection and food quality interactions
Szücs, E., Geers, R., Praks, J., Jezierski, T., Sossidou, N. E., Poikalainen, V. (2008) Hungarian Journal of Animal Production, Volume 57, supplement 1: 81-89
2008 |
WELANIMAL – a Leonardo da Vinci project to approach different aspects of welfare, environment and food interactions with the use of ICT
Cziszter, L.T., Zehra Bozkurt, P. Mishev, Evangelia Sossidou, E. Szücs, Katalin Gaál, J. Veglovský, Mariya Peneva, Margarita. Krasteva, Sz. Konrád (2008) Buletinul Universitatii de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Cluj-Napoca, Seria Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Volume 65, (1-2) : 455-456, ISSN 1454-2382
2008 |
Survey on Romanian consumers’ willingness-to-pay for animal products obtained in animal welfare conditions
Cziszter L.T., Zehra Bozkurt, Eva N. Sossidou, E. Szücs, Mariya Peneva, J. Venglovsky, Sz. Konrád, Katalin Gaál, S. Acantincăi (2008) Buletinul Universitatii de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Cluj-Napoca, Seria Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Volume 65, (1-2) : 455-456, ISSN 1454-2382
2008 |
A new approach on different aspects of welfare, environment and food quality interactions in Central and South-eastern Europe with use of ICT-WELANIMAL Project LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-002
Bozkurt, Z., Szücs, E., Sossidou, N. E., Gaál, K., Mishev, P., Cziszter, L. , Venglovosky, J. (2008) In: Book of Proceedings, 7th International Scientific Conference “Ecology and Veterinary Medicine”, Zborník Prednášok, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva, Košice, 22-23 April, ISBN 78-80-8077-084-6: 8-11
2008 |
The use of recycled vegetable waste as a soil media for free-range laying hens
E. N. Sossidou, S. P.Rose and A. S.Tserveni-Goussi (2008) In: Book of Proceedings, 7th International Scientific Conference “Ecology and Veterinary Medicine”, 22-23 April, Košice, Univerzita veterinàrskeho lekàrstva, Slovakia, ISBN 78-80-8077-084-6 : 12-14
2008 |
WELANIMAL PROJECT (LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-002. A new approach on different aspects of welfare environment and food interactions in central and southeastern europe with use of ICT
Bozkurt Z., Endre S., Sossidou E., Katalin G., Michev P., Ludovic C., Venglovosky J. (2008) In: Book of Proceedings, 7th International Scientific Conference “Ecology and Veterinary Medicine”, 22-23 April, Košice, Univerzita veterinàrskeho lekàrstva, Slovakia, ISBN 78-80-8077-084-6 : 8-11
2008 |
Different soil media for free-range laying hens
E. N. Sossidou, S. P. Rose, S. S. P. Silva, N. W. Hall, A. Tserveni-Goussi and V. Christodoulou (2008) British Poultry Science, 49 (4): 390-395
2008 |
Development of quality indicators in poultry welfare, environment and food quality interaction studies through upgraded e-learning
E. N. Sossidou, D. Stamatis, R. Geers and E. Szűcs (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, 63 (3):413-418
2008 |
Current poultry education in Mediterranean Countries
S. Yalçin, N. Daghir, E. Sossidou, M. Cassandro, A.C. Barroeta (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:17 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki 2008, p. 165-170
2008 |
Safety of free-range chicken eggs
A. S. Tserveni-Goussi, P. D. Fortomaris, E. N. Sossidou, A. L. Yannakopoulos (2008) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 64, supplement 1:24 In: Book of Proceedings, 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, ISBN 978-960-12-1686-7, Thessaloniki 2008, p.214-219
2007 |
Networked Academic Societies in collaborative development of e-learning software for vocational training in the domain of farm animal welfare-environment-food quality and safety
Sossidou, E.N., Szücs, E., Geers, R., Jezierski, T., Praks, J. and Poikalainen, V. (2007) In: Book of Proceedings, XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene “Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity”, June 17-21, Tartu, Estonia, Volume 2 : 673-676
2007 |
Welfood Virtual Campus for animal welfare-environment-food quality and safety studies
Szücs, E., Geers, R., Praks, J., Sossidou, E.N., Jezierski, T. and Poikalainen, V. (2007) In: Book of Proceedings, XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene “Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity”, June 17-21, Tartu, Estonia, Volume 2: 664-668
2007 |
The effect of an enriched pasture with aromatic plants on some egg quality characteristics of free-range laying hens
M. D. Kosmidou, P. D. Fortomaris, E. N. Sossidou, A. L. Yannakopoulos, A. S. Tserveni-Goussi (2007) In: Book of Proceedings, XVIIth European Symposium on the Quality of eggs and egg products, 2-5 September 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, 73-74
2007 |
Lipid oxidation of raw and cooked turkey breast meat during refrigerated storage
Samouris, G, Bampidis, V, Sossidou E, Zantopoulos N. Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 71, 2007.
2006 |
Comparison of free-range laying hens’ preferences for grass swards grown on different soil media
E. N. Sossidou, S. P. Rose and A. S. Tserveni-Goussi (2006) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 62, supplement : 594, XII European POULTRY Conference 2006, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September, epc2006@wpsa.it
2006 |
A pilot study on free-range laying hens’ preference for four cultivated aromatic plants
M. Kosmidou, E. Sossidou, P. Fortomaris, A. Yannakopoulos and A. S. Tserveni-Goussi (2006) World’s Poultry Science Journal, Volume 62, supplement : 356 XII European POULTRY Conference 2006, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September, epc2006@wpsa.it
2006 |
Teaching animal welfare-environment-food quality interaction studies in virtual environment
Szücs E., Praks J., Geers R., Sossidou E., Jezierski T., Vermeulen K., Poikalainen V., Györök B. (2006) Lucrări Ştiintifice Zootehnie Şi Biotehnologii, Volume 39 (2): 383-387
2005 |
Improving skills on food quality and safety issues in the Leonardo da Vinci Vocational Training Project WELFOOD in virtual environment
Szűcs, E., Geers, R., Praks, J., Poikalainen, V., Sossidou, E., Jezierski, T. (2005) In: Book of Proceedings, 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Session I: Implications of EU restructuring and free trade on feed quality and safety, disease and food quality and safety + Quality assurance systems to ensure compliance, June 5-8, Uppsala, Sweden, Poster 12. http://www.wageningenacademicom/EAAP/2005/programme2005.pdf
2005 |
Development of quality indicators for e-Learning in the domain of farm animal welfare
Sossidou, E., Stamatis, D., Szűcs, E. (2005) In: Book of Proceedings, 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Session I: Implications of EU restructuring and free trade on feed quality and safety, disease and food quality and safety + Quality assurance systems to ensure compliance, June 5-8, Uppsala, Sweden, Poster 10.http://www.wageningenacademicom/EAAP/2005/programme2005.pdf
2005 |
Consumer’s willingness to buy ω-3 eggs in the Greek market
E.N. Sossidou, A.L. Yannakopoulos and A.S. Tserveni-Goussi (2005) In: Book of Proceedings, XIth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 23-26 May, Doorwerth, The Netherlands : 286-291
2005 |
Organic hen eggs from free range systems: economics of production and marketing
A. S. Tserveni-Goussi, A. L. Yannakopoulos, E. N. Sossidou, P. Fortomaris (2005) In: Book of Proceedings, XIth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 23-26 May, Doorwerth, The Netherlands: 379-385
2005 |
Consumers attitudes towards meat consumption in Epirus region
I. Skoufos, E. Sossidou, J. Anastasiou, F. Bougas, D. Vassos, S. Ramantanis, J. Velovitis, A. Tzora (2005) In: Book of Proceedings, 4th International Congress on Food Technology “Accessing Useful Technologies-Optimizing Food Safety and Nutrition”, 18-19 February, OLP Exhibition Center, Piraeus, Greece : 301-309
2004 |
On Farm Welfare Risks influencing the Quality of the Traditional Mediterranean Animal Products
E. N. Sossidou, Ramantanis, S. B., Mantis, F. N. and Tserveni-Goussi (2004) In: Book of Proceedings, MeDiet, International Conference “Traditional Mediterranean Diets : Past, Present and Future” : 131-135
2004 |
Animal welfare risks during pre- and slaughter period influencing the pork meat quality in Greece
S. B. Ramantanis, E. N. Sossidou, Mantis, F. N. and A. Tserveni-Goussi (2004) In: Book of Proceedings, MeDiet, International Conference “Traditional Mediterranean Diets : Past, Present and Future” : 251-256
2002 |
Statistical modeling of livestock production systems to support sustainable management of physical resources
Sossidou, E. N. (2002) In: Book of Proceedings, International Conference “Agricultural Statistics in the new Millennium: The Challenge of agri-environmental indicators as a tool for the planning of sustainable development for agriculture”, 13-15 November, Chania, Greece : 209-215
2002 |
Models to predict the consumer decision-making process towards chicken meat in the Greek market
Angeliki Tserveni-Gousi, A. L. Yannakopoulos, E. Sossidou and Ch. Batzios (2002) Arch. Geflϋgelk., ISSN 0003-9098. Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co, Stuttgart, 67 (2) : 87-91